MotionMuse Provides
An easy to use toolset for 3D Character Animation
The goal of MotionMuse is to unclutter the Animation process, to bring in new artists to 3D animation without requiring a steep learning curve. To this end we employ powerful tools with an easy to use interface. Anyone, without any knowledge of 3D character animation can pick up MotionMuse and start animating complex characters.
The input and output is also kept simple. With import and export supporting multiple standard formats, including Fbx,Dae,Gltf/Glb and VRM, one can easily fit MotionMuse into any existing animation pipeline.

Import Characters / Skeletons

Create joints / Edit Animations

Export to industry standard formats

Using Industry Standard formats allows MotionMuse to be compatible with multiple Software and Gaming Engines

Character Rigging
MotionMuse provides simple and easy to use rigging/skinning tools to quickly bind character to existing or generated skeletons. Simply select the mesh and the skeleton to automatically assign weights for each joint for each vertex. Auto rigging supports rigging of multiple meshes to quickly skin multiple parts of the character. Joint creation tools along with weight painting and bind matrix adjustments further allows our rigging system to quickly set up the character as per your precise requirements.

Retargeting – Animation Transfer
Retargeting in MotionMuse is a simple way to transfer animation across to another character within a few clicks. The character skeletons do not need to be of the same size or even of the same topology for retargeting to work. Simply select the source and target skeletons and MotionMuse will automatically compute a mapping between them. The user can also modify the mapping manually if required. Once satisfied, simply start the animation transfer. The targeted skeleton can then be exported to a new FBX file to be used in the desired workflow.
Full Body Motion Editing System
Motion Editing in MotionMuse is the easiest way to edit existing Character animations. By simply displaying a trajectory of a Joint and modifying either the trajectory or its control points and/or tangents, one can quickly alter character animations. Existing keys of all participating joints will be adjusted automatically by the Motion Editing system. Our Motion Editing system makes use of parallel hardware by utilizing GPUs and multicore CPUs for interactive updates.

Full Body Inverse Kinematics
MotionMuse gives you full control of the character by implementing the state of the art Inverse Kinematics solver. No further rigging of the character is required as the bone hierarchy itself is used to articulate complex character movements. The user can quickly move the entire or part of the body, with on the fly control of which body parts to affect. Multi-Character IK enables artists to articulate a large number of characters on the fly for easy inter-character interactions.
Spline Based Sketching for Posing
Spline based Sketching is an easy way to pose a chain of joints quickly by simply drawing on top of them. The Sketch can be adjusted on the fly to precisely pose the underlying joints and bones. Tangents and control points can be adjusted for exact positioning. Our Sketching supports stylus and tablet devices to get the most out of your vision.

Curve Editor for Motion Control
A fully featured Curve Editor allows the user to accurately control the interpolation between multiple key frames. With support for multiple types of interpolation curves and different types of tangents, you can be assured to get the exact repeatability and reliability needed for precise motion control. Easy copy / pasting of keys and free control of each independent key makes this one of the easiest curve editor to use.
Media Overlays
Diminishing the gap between 2D and 3D animation is inline with our vision of uncluttering the Animation process. We achieve this by implementing a Media Overlay system. The artist can create image overlays at multiple time frames and draw on top of them using mouse / pen tablet devices, or can load existing images or videos. By matching the underlying character to multiple image overlays or video overlays the artist can quickly achieve his / her animated vision.

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